टप 10 Social Networking Websites हरु

General social networking website.
Registered users: 300,000,000
Popularity: Worldwide.
Registration criteria: 13 years of age and older.
२) MySpace

General social networking website.
Registered users: 263,920,000
Popularity: Worldwide.
Registration criteria: 13 years of age and older.
3) Windows Live Spaces

A blogging website reviously known as MSN Spaces. Owned by Microsoft.
Registered users: 120,000,000
Popularity: Worldwide.
Registration criteria: Open to all
4) Habbo

General social networking website targeting teen age group. Provides user profiles and chat rooms for interaction.
Registered users: 117,000,000
Popularity: Worldwide.
Registration criteria: 13 years of age and older.
5) Friendster

General social networking website.
Registered users: 90,000,000
Popularity: Southeast Asia. Previously popular in the west.
Registration criteria: 16 years of age and older.
6) Hi5

General social networking website.
Registered users: 80,000,000
Popularity: India, Portugal, Mongolia, Thailand, Romania, Jamaica, Central Africa and Latin America.
Registration criteria: 13 years of age and older.
7) Tagged

General social networking website. Registered users: 70,000,000
Popularity: Worldwide.
Registration criteria: Open to all.
8) Orcut

General social networking website. Profiles not visible on search engines. Owned by Google.
Registered users: 67,000,000
Popularity: India, Brazil.
Registration criteria: 18 years of age and older.
9) Flixster

Social networking based on movies.
Registered users: 63,000,000
Reach: Worldwide.
Registration criteria: 13 years of age and older.
10) Netlog

General social networking website previously known as Facebox and Redbox.
Registered users: 54,000,000
Reach: Europe, Turkey, Middle east, Quebec.
Registration criteria: 13 years of age and older.
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